di Paolo M. Minciotti, #LGBTIQA+
On Tuesday, Ghana’s parliament started studying a controversial draft legislation aimed at heavily penalising homosexuality, which is already prohibited in the country, in a news start for criminalize LGBTI’s people in the country. If passed, the new bill would allow for up to 10 years in prison for LGBT people, penalise those defending them as well as penalise the publication of information that could be considered as encouraging homosexuality.
The Ghanaian Human Rights organization IDNOWA has called the bill inhumane. “If this law is passed, all conversations with journalists will be banned and our very existence will be threatened,” according to a conversation offered by an activist to FRANCE 24 by phone.
The bill promotes gay “conversion therapy”, and is been written and architected by Sam Nartey George, a member of parliament from the opposition ghananian party called National Democratic Congress, and it is supported by by seven other MPs. For Mr. George described homosexuality as a “perversion”.
In fact he probably think that destroying other people’s life must some thing more decent to practice.
(28 ottobre 2021)
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