by Kwabena Step #Coronavirus twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Africa
According to the latest figured by John Hopkins University, 3,117,204 coronavirus’ cases have been detected world wide so far. With 217,193 deaths and 928,970 people now recovering…
Africa is been especcially flattered in the last few week: 1,671cases/16deaths and 188 recoveries have been registered in Ghana. In Nigeria 1,532 cases. Just 109 cases have been registered in Togo, 1,1183; Benin 64.
The first two cases of convid 19 was confirmed on march 12 when two people returned from Turkey and Norway. The country has over 60,000 samples tested. Majority of the cases confirmed were from travellers or persons who may have contracted from travellers.The government has introduced the use of drones to expedite delivery of samples and a rapid result testing programme.
(30 aprile 2020)
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