by Pablo “Pibe” Ruiz #HIV twitter@gaiaitalia_eng #AIDS
According to President Trump‘s sadministration “has ordered scientists employed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to stop acquiring new human fetal tissue for experiments (…) The suspension, imposed this past September without a public announcement, came as the government launched a review of all fetal tissue research funded by the federal government”.
The action is called “a pause in place” and it’s been took to please religious integralist Trump’s voters. It is well known that Christian conservatives ferociously oppose research that uses abored fetal tissue. Trump’s decision to please them will affect numerous biomedical research programs.
Acording to LGBTQNation congressional Republicans “have tried to ban all fetal tissue research for years to appease the religious right. 85 Republican House members wrote a letter to the head of the FDA asking for a ban on fetal tissue research shortly before the “pause” was announced. The ban has long been a goal of the anti-abortion industry and has been part of the most recent attacks on Planned Parenthood. The group was falsely accused of selling aborted fetuses earlier this year”.
(11th december, 2018)
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