by #HRW twitter@gaiaitaliacom #International
According to HRW Militant Islamist vigilantes targeted a group of transgender women attending a birthday celebration in Indonesia’s Aceh province on Saturday 16th december, 2017 and alerted the local Sharia (Islamic law) police, who detained seven of them in Banda Aceh, the provincial capital, for 24 hours, and chastised them for “bad morals” before releasing them.
Everything—from the vigilante-style actions against transgender people, to the Sharia police tip-off, to the official shaming— was in accordance with local Acehnese law being Aceh the only Indonesian province that can legally adopt bylaws derived from Sharia, makes male and female same-sex conduct a criminal offense punished, in most cases, under death penalty. Local autohorities are getting more and more aggressive to LGBTI Indonesian people. The Police have the freedom to arrest people on suspicion to be gay or lesbian and a “special team” to boost public awareness of the “threat of LGBT” people. Authorities has “the right” [sic] to “train” LGBT people to “return to a normal life”, rule created as part of the return of “islamic sharia rules”.
People suspected of being gay or lesbian, transgender women and other minorities are vulnerable of harassment, intimidation and violence and they can be arrested even at a birthday party.
Jakarta’s governement doesn’t say a word about the facts.
(19th december, 2017)
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